TouroCOM Student Organizations

The unique organizations at our campus play an important role in helping students at TouroCOM - Montana design their own medical school experience. Our diverse body of student organizations range from specialty interest groups to national advocacy organizations and everything in-between. Collectively, they foster leadership, service, and community among our student body. 

Want to start a club? 

   Letter of Intent  
Step 1: 
The letter of intent form is designed for students who wish to express their interest in creating a new club on campus. This mandatory form serves as the first step before engaging in detailed paperwork, planning, or seeking national affiliation. 
New Student Organization ApplicationStep 2: 
Campus Groups

Instructions for New Student Organization Application on Campus Groups

  • Navigate to the groups tab at the top of the page and selecting ‘+ All Groups’
  • Select ‘Register New Student Organization.’
  • This will bring you to the registration form for students to fill out
  • Step by Step Guide

Step 3: After your application is reviewed:

  1. Conduct in-person elections in the presence of the SGA VP 
  2. You will be invited to a formal presentation with SGA

Current list of clubs:

Current Club Roster

Other Important Forms:

Change Advisor Form

SO TOV Kitchen Catering Protocol

Kosher Food Policy Kosher Presentation

General Club and Event Information

One Stop Shop for Established Student Organizations

Tiered Funding Application This form must be submitted each semester by all organizations wishing to remain active by the deadline set by the SGA Treasurer. 
Club Event and Funding Request Form 
Submit through campus groups! This is due no later than 10 business days before the event
Pooled Funds Request Form
This form is for Student Organizations that require more funds to execute large-scale club events. Clubs eligible to submit the pooled funding form include Student Organizations that received a tier placement in the beginning of the semester and have spent the majority of their semester tiered funds. Clubs in Tier 5 are ineligible to apply for pooled funding.This form must be submitted no later than 15 business days before the event date.
Reimbursement Form  
 After a club or committee event has occurred, the S.O. Treasurer or Committee Finance Coordinator must acquire all the necessary information and submit one reimbursement form that includes all the receipts and student names that are requesting a reimbursement based on the approved budget form. Please only submit one reimbursement form per event. Receipts are required to receive reimbursements. This form must be submitted no later than 10 business days after the event date. 
Deposit Form
 In compliance with the SGA Constitution, no Student Organization or SGA Committee is permitted to withhold any club funds. All funds acquired by a Student Organization or SGA Committee (i.e. money earned from membership drives, club events, fundraisers, etc.) requires a deposit form submission. This form must be submitted no later than 2 weeks after the event date.

Club Funding Information

SGA operates via a reimbursement system. Clubs will need to pay out of pocket first but will be reimbursed based on receipts corresponding with an approved budget sheet. Student Organizations will not be given money upfront, nor will they be permitted to hold money in a bank account of their own. 

  • Each club applies for tiered funding during the first week of each semester. The tier number depends on the number of events a club wants to do per semester, as well as how many members are active within the club. The amount of tiered funding a club receives does not  roll over from one semester to the next. 
  • Pooled funding is available if clubs need more money for larger events (beyond the scope of tiered or private funds). Clubs must apply for pooled funding 3 weeks prior to the event date. 
  • Private funds consist of money raised by the student organization itself (ex. membership dues, club fundraising, etc.). This money does roll over each semester.

Tiered Funding Model

To stay as an active Student Organization (SO) at TouroCOM Montana, all clubs must fill out the tiered funding application each semester to receive an assigned tier for SGA funds. This will be due by the date set by the SGA Treasurer each semester. The application must be completed and submitted by a SO Treasurer to be considered as a valid submission. 

There are 5 Tiers that SOs can apply for. The requirement for each Tier is listed below. Tiered funding decisions are made by the SGA Executive Committee based on a variety of factors, including but not limited to meeting Tiered requirements, active member count, proper distribution, and expenditure of funds, etc. *Note: an organization's request for a specific Tier placement is not guaranteed*

Tier 1$300/semester
1. S.O.  must have a minimum of 4 events.
  • Event 1 must be the mandatory semester Health Fair.
  • Event 2 must be a mandatory community-oriented event which is held during the semester.
  • Event 3 is an event of choice hosted independently by the club. This event cannot be in collaboration with any other organization which includes but is not limited to any other S.O. or SGA Committee.
  • Event 4 is the S.O.’s event of choice.
2. Current club member count must be greater than or equal to 70 students.
3. A completed and detailed budget summary for the entire semester must be submitted.
4. A written explanation of how the club’s events will benefit TouroCOM and the Great Falls Community must be provided.
5. The organization must meet all deadlines mandated by SGA, including but not limited to the submission of SGA forms such as the event form, Tiered Funding application, budget form, reimbursement form, etc.
Tier 2$200/semester
1. S.O. must have a minimum of 3 events.
  • Event 1 must be the mandatory semester Health Fair
  • Event 2 must be a mandatory community-oriented event which is held during the semester.
  • Event 3 is an event of choice hosted independently by the club. This event cannot be in collaboration with any other organization which includes but is not limited to any other S.O. or SGA Committee.
2. Current club member count must be greater than or equal to 50 students.
3. A completed and detailed budget summary for the entire semester must be submitted.
4. A written explanation of how the club’s events will benefit TouroCOM and the Great Falls Community must be provided.
5. The organization must meet all deadlines mandated by SGA, including but not limited to the submission of SGA forms such as the event form, Tiered Funding application, budget form, reimbursement form, etc.
Tier 3 $100/semester
1. S.O. must have a minimum of 2 events.
  • Event 1 must be the mandatory semester Health Fair.
  • Event 2 must be a mandatory community-oriented event hosted independently by the club and is held during the semester. This event cannot be in collaboration with any other organization which includes but is not limited to any other S.O. or SGA Committee.
2. Current club member count must be greater than or equal to 30 students.
3. A completed and detailed budget summary for the entire semester must be submitted.
4. A written explanation of how the club’s events will benefit TouroCOM and the Great Falls Community must be provided
5. The organization must meet all deadlines mandated by SGA, including but not limited to the submission of SGA forms such as the event form, Tiered Funding application, budget form, reimbursement form, etc.
Tier 4$0-$50/semester
1. S.O. must host a minimum of 1 event.  
  • Event 1 must be the mandatory semester Health Fair.
2. Current club member count should be greater than or equal to 9 students.
3. A completed and detailed budget summary for the entire semester must be submitted.
4. A written explanation of how the club’s event will benefit TouroCOM and the Great Falls Community must be provided.
5. The organization must meet all the deadlines mandated by the SGA Committee, including but not limited to the submission of all SGA forms such as the event form, Tiered Funding application, budget form, reimbursement form, etc.
Tier 5 $0/semester

Student Organizations will fall into this funding category for one entire semester if any of the following situations apply:

  1. The Tiered Funding application was not received by the SGA Treasurer by the deadline.

  2. The S.O. is on probation for the semester.

  3. The minimum number of events were not executed.

  4. Multiple deadlines were not followed.

  5. S.O. is not in good standing as determined by SGA Executive Committee.

  6. A Student Organization was approved by the SGA Executive Committee after the semester’s Tiered Funding deadline.

  7. Organizations in this tier are ineligible for pooled funding

Traveling for your Club? 

Excused Absences:

1. Submit excused absence form to [email protected] 

2. Request will be reviewed by Dean of Student Affairs.

More information can be found here.

Attending Conferences:

Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine encourages medical students to participate in seminars, conferences, and educational programs to promote a better understanding of medical education and the field of osteopathic medicine. The cost incurred for these educational experiences is the responsibility of the participating students. There is no obligation to honor every request, therefore students are strongly encouraged to obtain approval prior to making final arrangements.

Process for submitting conference requests:

1. Requests for conference reimbursement pre-approval should be submitted no less than 30 days in advance of intended travel. Please utilize the Conference Funding Request Sheet to submit your request.

2. Students requesting funding must submit a Travel & Expense Reimbursement Form

3. Review and adhere to the Travel Policy

4. Email forms to: [email protected]

More detailed information can be found here.